Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Javascript Assignment.. (Check your JS knowledge)

JavaScript Assignments

1. Display all the even or odd numbers in a given range of numbers using continue statement.
Save file as continue statement.html

2. Display all the numbers in words of range 1 to 10 using switch statement
Save file as switch statement.html

3. Create an array display the contents of any array.
Save file as arrays.html

4. Use various methods of arrays join(separator), reverse();
Save file as array methods.html
5. Create a form using a list box containing Colour name. Use script to display message and set background colour when the user select item from the list.

6. Write display function to accept user name by using prompt dialog box and display a same name.
Save file as define and call.html

7. Write function for addition of two numbers. Pass parameters to the function.
Save function as parameter to functions.html

8. Use onMouseOver event to count the number how many times you move the mouse over a link.
Save file as multiple statements.html

9. Use onLoad and onUnLoad events by giving some message when you open and close a file.
Save file as OnLoadevent.html

10. Use various events while entering data in a form to perform valiations.
Save file as form validation.html

11. Create your own Biodata form with all (name, Phonenumber, email address………) validations

12. Create one HTML file to display proper message, Which Gender is Selected using Check boxes

13. Use one Text Box for text, a list box for font size and a list box for font name, ask user to enter text, select size and font name, write script to display text using font size and font when user click on “Display Text” Message.

14. Write script to display System date and running time.

15. Write a script to open a new window and close that by using to Buttons Labeled as “Open window” and “Closed Window”.

16. Make use of various methods of String object

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